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Welcome to the Department of French

Teaching Faculty
Sl.No Photo Faculty Name Designation Specialisation Mobile No. Email. ID Profile Curriculam Vitae
1 Mr. Mr. Ravi Eshwar Chand
M.A. French, M.A. Linguistics & M.phil (Linguistics)
Part Time Lecturer
Historical Linguistics, French Linguistics, Language Teaching Methods, Translation and Interpretation.
☎: 8331041309
: 09246150458
Profile CV
2 Ms. Chirasri Bandyopadhyay
M.A. English,
Diploma & Superior Dip. in French Language,
M.A. French & NET (French)
Assistant Professor (C)
Language Teaching, French Civilization, French Contemporary Literature and Translation.
☎: 8331041309
: 09908212193
Profile CV
3 Mr. Mr.Vinay Kumar Mora
Part Time Lecturer
Teaching French as a Foreign Language
☎: 8331041308
: 09966430895
Profile CV